SAP Purpose Network Live

Skilled & Inclusive Workforce

Building a skilled and inclusive workforce ensures that everyone regardless of age or background has the skills to thrive and secure meaningful work in a digital world. SAP and it’s customers and partners are collaborating to support education and workforce readiness globally.


How Digital Tools Support Learning in the Flow of Work

Learning for Life Series

Episode 1 | 54 min

June 15, 2021


Glean thought leadership from top academics and business experts on how digital tools can support office workers’ everyday problem solving to create opportunity through learning and development for all.

Making Bias-Free Hiring an Organizational Priority

SAP.iO Foundries Series

Episode 4 | 52 min

May 5, 2021 


Reducing hiring bias should be a priority for any company and investing in fair hiring technology is a key place to start.

Making the Success of Diverse Groups in the Workplace an Organizational Priority

SAP.iO Foundries Series

Episode 3 | 45 min

March 2, 2021 


Organizations can attract, retain, and develop a diverse workforce by providing the right tools people need to succeed.

Making DE&I an Organizational Priority

SAP.iO Foundries Series

Episode 2 | 50 min

February 2, 2021


Organizations can recruit and retain a diverse workforce by measuring where they are now and purposefully attracting diverse talent going forward.


How the SAP Autism Inclusion Pledge Inspires Organizations

SAP Autism at Work

Episode 5 | 64 min

November 10, 2020


Explore how autism inclusion can enhance an organization’s culture, create connections with a deep, diverse yet underutilized talent pool, and encourage pre-conceived perceptions to be challenged.

Better Together – Stories from the Employee and Manager Perspective

Autism at Work Series

Episode 3 | 54 min

October 20, 2020


Hear the insightful stories of professional growth and organizational contributions from both the employee and manager perspective. Together, they will share how fostering an inclusive work environment benefits the team and the business. 

Practical Guidance on Creating Inclusive Workforces

Autism at Work Series

Episode 4 | 57 min

October 27, 2020


Explore how autism inclusion can enhance an organization’s culture, create connections with a deep, diverse yet underutilized talent pool, and encourage pre-conceived perceptions to be challenged.

Leadership in action! Ignite your passion & change the world!

SAP Corporate Social Responsiblity Series

Episode 1 | 56 min

October 14, 2020


The need for inclusive education, mentorship & role modelling is critical in today’s world. Hear from Maria McDonald from Chester County Futures (CCF), Mike Cieri and Luis Colmenares from SAP to share how access to quality education is building a better future for our youth & their communities.

The Power of the SAP Autism at Work Program

Autism at Work Series

Episode 2 | 60 min

October 13, 2020


In this session, learn about how and why SAP has embraced a neurodiversity initiative to welcome many skilled workers who otherwise might have been underemployed or unemployed.   

Broadening the Vision of Inclusion - The Value of an Autism-Inclusive Workforce

Autism at Work Series

Episode 1 | 62 min

October 6, 2020


Reshape how autism is perceived within workplaces. For seven years, SAP’s groundbreaking SAP Autism at Work initiative with 180+ workers worldwide has leveraged the unique perspectives and abilities of hiring a talented, often untapped workforce.

Health & Wellbeing - Helping Partners Round Up

Employee & Workforce Series

Episode 3 | 52 min

May 22, 2020


Discover how SAP is collaborating with partners, such as Best Money Moves, Bravely, and meQuilibrium, to deliver applications that can help people navigate the challenges associated with COVID-19.

A Wakeup Call for Upskilling and Reskilling

Employee & Workforce Series

Episode 2 | 52 min

May 15, 2020


This session spotlights how reskilling and upskilling can ensure business continuity and growth in today's new reality.

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