SAP Customer Experience at Shoptalk 2024
March 17–20, 2024
Booth #1440
Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas

Customers are the heart of your business growth, so it would stand that the heart of every successful digital transformation effort should begin, and end, with your customers in mind.

Intelligent CX by SAP allows your customers to experience more with end-to-end insights by connecting your commerce, marketing, sales, and service data with back-office ERP data – bringing value to both your consumers’ experiences and your brands’ business objectives.

Join SAP at Shoptalk 2024 at booth #1440, where the biggest retail innovators come together every year to draw inspiration and shape the future of retail. It’s your chance to meet with SAP to:

  • Maximize your investment with connected end-to-end solutions 
  • Harness the power of insightful AI-powered analytics to future-proof your business
  • Drive profitable growth with the power of adaptive composability 

Bonus Feature - When's the last time you updated your professional headshot? Stop by for an updated photo in our mini studio - sponsored by Contentful.

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