Mūsdienu nepārtraukti mainīgajā biznesa vidē vadītāji saskaras ar izaicinājumu virzīties cauri nenoteiktībai, vienlaikus cenšoties saglabāt konkurētspēju. Rodas jautājums: Kā vadītājiem veicināt biznesa attīstību un inovāciju rašanos laikā, ko raksturo pastāvīgas pārmaiņas un tirgus satricinājumi?


Mums varētu būt atbilde!


Pievienojies mums SAP Inovāciju dienā 19. septembrī Rīgā, Atta Centre, kur būs iespēja tikties ar nozares līderiem, SAP ekspertiem un kolēģiem, lai uzzinātu par reāliem Mākslīgā Intelekta izmantošanas piemēriem, ieklausītos klientu veiksmes stāstos, atklātu labākās stratēģijas, kā sākt izmantot inovācijas un veicināt digitālo izcilību.


Pasākuma laikā koncentrēsimies uz mākslīgā intelekta integrāciju valsts pārvaldes un ikvienā biznesa segmentā, mūsdienīgām mākoņskaitļošanas sistēmām jebkura lieluma organizācijām un to, kā radīt ilgtspējīgu nākotni, kurā nebūtu vietas kaitīgajām emisijām un nevienlīdzībai. Tāpat aplūkosim jaunākās tendences un tehnoloģijas personāla un klientu attiecību pārvaldībā.



Reģistrējies tagad, lai nodrošinātu savu dalību pasākumā un kļūtu par daļu no inovatīvākā biznesa tehnoloģiju notikuma Latvijā.



Šis ir ekskluzīvs pasākums ar ierobežotu dalībnieku skaitu, kurā īpaši aicinām piedalīties vadītājus, biznesa līderus un valsts iestādžu pārstāvjus. Dalība pasākumā ir bez maksas.


Uz tikšanos!

Ainars Bemberis
Country Manager
SAP Latvia
Karlis Bardelis
“Bored of Borders”
Shantanu Goswami
VP - Regional Business Technology Platform (BTP) Centre of Excellence
Alex Timlin
Chief Expert, SAP Customer Experience & CRM
Thomas Rydin
Expert Solution Advisor
SAP SuccessFactors
Peter Bickenbach
Solution Advisor Chief Expert
Rose Guthrie
Enterprise Account Executive
Reinis Dzenis
IT Lead Architect
Rimi Baltic
Jan Bungert
Chief Revenue Officer for SAP Business AI
Aušra Gustainienė
Digital Transformation Programme Director
Girteka Group
Anna Jegorova
SAP Project Manager
Tietoevry Create
Nauris Kļava
Consulting Partner
EY Latvia
Alexander Skaskevich
SAP Solutions Architect
IBA Group
Dzmitry Shupayeu
SAP Senior Project Manager
Chris Johnston
Head of oCFO Customer Advisory, EMEA
Dienas kārtība
  • 08:30

    Reģistrācija, Rīta Kafija un Partneru Demo Stendi / Registration, Morning Coffee and Partner Exhibition

  • 09:00

    Atklāšanas uzruna / Welcome

    Ainārs Bemberis, Country Manager, SAP Latvia


    SAP Keynote: Generate Value with SAP Business AI

    Jan Bungert, Chief Revenue Officer for SAP Business AI, SAP


    Stay up to date on SAP’s Business AI strategy and see how your organization can gain agility and stand out. Hear directly from SAP’s Global AI Chief Revenue Officer the key factors for adopting Generative AI in business, transforming processes, increasing efficiency, and generating competitive advantage with Artificial Intelligence.


    External Keynote: Mācības un atziņas no Okeāna / Lessons learned on the open Ocean: Get out from comfort zone

    Karlis Bardelis, "Bored of Borders" Captain


    Fokuss mācības un atziņas, ko katrs no mums var izmantot savā ikdienas darbā. Lekcijas laikā ar reāliem piemēriem atbildu uz jautājumiem: a) Kas ir spēcīgākais instruments katrā no mums augsta riska, stresa situācijās? b) Kāds ir visgudrākais lēmums? c) Kā turpināt virzīties uz priekšu? d) Kāds jautājums mums pašiem sev var palīdzēt saprast izeju no sarežģītas situācijas? e) Kur man atrast motivāciju un nepadošanās enerģiju? Balstos uz savā pieredzē gūtajām atziņām. 


    Riding the AI wave with S/4HANA Finance

    Chris Johnston, Head of Finance & Risk CSA, EMEA, SAP


    Dive into the dynamic world of S/4HANA Finance and AI at SAP, exploring how these technologies are revolutionising financial management and decision making. This session highlights the significance of adopting AI to enhance efficiency and gain a competitive edge, while also addressing the risks of lagging behind in this tech-driven era. Join us for a concise and fun exploration of the possibilities for future ready finance operations.



  • 10:40

    Kafijas Pauze un Partneru Demo Stendi / Coffee Break and Partner Exhibition


    MicroForum 1: Intelligent AI-Driven CRM by Pearl: Maximizing Efficiency in Your Marketing and Sales Teams


    MicroForum 2: SAP AI in Action by Accenture: Enhancing Plant Efficiency with Predictive Maintenance and SAP Enterprise Asset Management

  • 11:10

    Veiksmes stāsts / Customer story: Girteka's Success, Challenges, and Lessons Learned: Digitalization journey with Tietoevry

    Aušra Gustainienė, Programme Director for Digital Transformation, Girteka Group

    Anna Jegorova, SAP Project manager, Tietoevry Create 


    Join us to explore the large-scale digital transformation of Girteka, European transportation services leader. We will get into the challenges and benefits of operational modernization across different business lines in several countries using SAP technologies. Our presentation will cover the business and technical scope of the project, with a special focus on Tietoevry's technical implementation, including the use of a scaled agile framework, complex migration model,  and enterprise-level integrations.



    How SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) helps customer innovate and transform by using AI

    Shantanu Goswami, SAP BTP Customer Solution Advisory


    Audiences will find clear recommendations and proof points along with an understanding of SAP’s strategic roadmap towards making our customers innovate at scale.


    Veiksmes stāsts / Customer Story: RIMI Baltic, Inovāciju RoadMap ar SAP un SAP BTP

    Reinis Dzenis, IT Lead Architect, Rimi Baltic


    Value of SAP BTP for SAP customers with large on-prem/self-hosted solution footprint. RIMIs use of SAP Datasphere (formerly SAC and DWC) to modernize data analytics landscape. RIMIs system integration strategy - use of SAP Integration Suite to cater RIMIs integration needs (connecting on-prem and cloud applications). Future outlook - SAP BTP use cases under consideration (SAP Work Zone standard edition, Edge Integration Cell for Integration suite).


    Intelligent Customer Experience and Business AI. Portfolio innovations and RoadMap

    Alex Timlin, Chief Expert, SAP Customer Experience & CRM, SAP


    SAP are now the second largest Enterprise CX Vendor globally - connecting the business data in back office ERP to the experiences customers have every day in sales, marketing, customer service and digital commerce.
    But what are the key trends driving innovation? Where could Generative AI disrupt operations and where could it accelerate value?

    Join this session to understand how SAP is packaging insights from the world’s leading brands and connecting it into seamless end to end business processes that can drive better customer experiences and better business outcomes. 


  • 12:40

    Pusdienas un Partneru Demo Stendi / Lunch and Partner Exhibition

  • 13:40

    Veiksmes stāsta diskusija / Customer discussion



    AI, AI, AI everywhere: How latest innovations in SAP SuccessFactors will increase your employees performance

    Thomas Rydin, Expert Solution Advisor, SAP SuccessFactors


    The employees of today, expects nothing less in user experience at work, than what they do as individual consumers. Offer your employees a world-class experience using the latest AI technology. Increase quality, productivity and reduce bias leveraging the latest innovation in Generative AI and enable a smooth, guided experience using the digital assistant – Joule.



    Veiksmes stāsts / Customer story: EY Latvia, SAP SuccessFactors success story

    Nauris Kļava, Consulting Partner, EY Latvia 


    EY, a global leader in professional services with over 400,000 employees around the world, places Talent Management at the heart of its critical business processes. The upcoming presentation will explore how SAP SuccessFactors empowers our employees, business leaders, and talent teams in the day-to-day HR operations locally in EY Latvia and globally.



    ESG & SAP Ariba: Clash of Titans or Marriage of Convenience? - How SAP supports Sustainability and Procurements

    Alexander Skaskevich, SAP Solutions Architect, IBA Group


    In this thought-provoking session, we will delve into the complex dynamics between procurement practices and environmental, social, and governance considerations. Is it a harmonious alignment of goals, or do conflicting priorities create tension?

    Discover the challenges and opportunities of integrating sustainability into procurement strategies, and explore how businesses can navigate this evolving landscape to drive positive impact and long-term value.

    In our presentation, we will uncover how to harness the full power and capabilities of SAP ISBN (Intelligent Spend Business Network) solutions for sustainable procurement.



    Veiksmes stāsta diskusija / Customer discussion




  • 15:10

    Kafijas Pauze un Partneru Demo Stendi / Coffee Break and Partner Exhibition


    MicroForum 1:
    SAP SuccessFactors demo by Zalaris: Manager Best Digital Experience

    MicroForum 2:
    SAC Budget Planning Best Practices: Demo of the Best Functionality by ScandicFusion

  • 15:40

    How SAP`s Digital Supply Chain Planning Solution can help customers to survive in a disruptive VUCA environment

    Peter Bickenbach, Solution Advisor Chief Expert, SAP


    In a rapidly evolving VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, digital supply chains must embrace resilience, agility, and innovation to thrive. This presentation explores how advanced technologies like AI, predictive and advanced planning solutions can transform traditional supply chains into adaptive digital ecosystems. By leveraging real-time data, predictive analytics, and automation, businesses can navigate disruptions, optimize operations, and achieve a competitive edge in an unpredictable environment. This talk will highlight key strategies for building a future-proof digital supply chain capable of sustaining growth amidst global uncertainty and disruption.


    Veiksmes stāsts / Customer story: Safia Cafe & Bakery: Manufacturer Success Story of Digital Transformation with SAP S/4HANA Cloud

    Dzmitry Shupayeu, SAP Senior Project Manager, LeverX


    From a deep love for baking, Safia Cafe & Bakery became one of the largest confectionery manufacturers in the operation region. Transformation Partner LeverX will describe Safia Cafe & Bakery's journey from setting the project's business objectives to implementing the solution. This project showcases how modern technology can assist in turning passion into a thriving business and explains the key business benefits for the company from innovations implementation.



    Discover how SAP Signavio and SAP LeanIX can revolutionize your business processes and operations.

    Rose Guthrie, Enterprise Account Executive, SAP LeanIX


    As a powerful business process management solution, Signavio optimizes your business processes for maximum efficiency. Meanwhile, LeanIX, our enterprise architecture solution, streamlines your IT landscape and ensures complete control. Solution synergy creates effect that drives significant efficiency gains across your enterprise. This session is designed for both Business and Technical experts, providing valuable insights into how data-driven enterprise observability, process and integration, and continuous improvement strategies can transform your organization.

  • 16:45

    Kopsavilkums, Wrap up, Ainars Bemberis, Country Manager, SAP Latvia

  • 16:55

    Sarunas un Dzērieni / Networking and drinks

Laiks & Datums

September 19th, 2024
08:30 - 17:00


SAP Innovation Day Latvia 2024


Atta Centre, Krasta iela 60, Rīga, Latvija, LV - 1003

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